

Monday, December 14, 2009

And Now For Something Somewhat Different

So, I was reading through the HG/SS Pokemon card sets, because I can, and there's two new replacements for Pokemon Lv. X (basically an evolution for the highest evolution, so Garchomp Lv. X is an evolution of Garchomp), Pokemon LEGEND which look freaking awesome, Exhibit a:

And Pokemon Prime, which are no different to regular Pokemon but they're pretty powerful and they have pretty sweet art and card design, exhibit b:

Basically, Pokemon LEGEND are two cards played as one, because Lugia (for example) doesn't have anything to evolve from, so it can't be too powerful or it'd be overpowered. However, its freaking Lugia, and should be damn powerful. So, here's your compromise: two cards to make one hideously powerful (if you play it) Lugia.

Pokemon Prime, though, have no special rules. They're considered regular whatever Stage Pokemon.

Anyway, for those of you who can't read Japanese, on Feraligatr Prime there, his Pokemon Power is a bit familiar:

Rain Dance
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may attach 1 Water Energy card to 1 of your Water Pokémon. This power can't be used if Feraligatr is affected by a Special Condition.

Now, for those of you who never played Pokemon TCG competitively, this may seem a bit unspecial. For those of you who have, you'll recognize it as the first overpowered ability in the game's history, with an entire archetype formed around it. Its not nerfed down, not on Feraligatr Lv. X, just a regular old Feraligatr. Whether or not this current era can abuse it, I don't know, but it looks fairly powerful. In addition, his attack hits for a bunch if you can get 4 water energy on him, which you can with Rain Dance going.

That's all for now, sorry for another cop-out of a post. Least this one had awesome art.

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