

Friday, July 23, 2010


So, if you haven't realised, are one of the plebeians who doesn't read comics at all, or don't really enjoy fighting games (lol), its currently the Comicon weekend. This is important because, as of recent, fighting games are apparently comics, and thus they get quite a show. Obviously, Marvel vs Capcom 3 will probably get the most, since its actually related to comics, and looking quite awesome, but Ono will be making some announcements tomorrow (probably either Super Street Fighter 4 DLC or Namco vs Capcom, or Darkstalkers 4/Vampire Saviour 3, or god knows what), and Skullgirls will be there, so hopefully MikeZ has got some new footage to show us that I can talk about.

Starting off with something that isn't at Comicon but happened this weekend, however, is Arc Sys's heralded announcement. While it wasn't the Guilty Gear XXX many were expecting/hoping for, it was almost as inspiring. Arcana Hearts 3 will be ported to the current gen consoles by Arc Sys, meaning this is the first time in history Arcana Hearts won't have a god awful console port that kills the community. Is this the herald of a multi-cultural Evo2011, with more brands than you can poke a stick at? I certainly hope so. Super Street Fighter 4, Tekken 6, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Melty Blood: Actress Again, BlazBlue and Arcana Hearts 3 would be a pretty damn amazing line up, really. It'd also tie in well with the 'global presence' they're trying to secure for Evo, and the Japanese Evo coming along later this year. Oh, and it'd be cool if Melee was there, but, yeah, no, I don't have very high expectations given the meshing between the Super Smash Bros. community and Shoryuken community in previous times. Anyway, with the lack of Guilty Gear, it seems the BlazBlue community will survive. Be thankful, BlazBlue fans, that your game isn't going to die due to the infinitely superior series returning. :P

Returning back to Comicon now, we've got the announcement of 4 new characters and the accidental announcing of 2 others for Marvel vs Capcom 3. This video:

Shows 3 of the 4 intentionally announced characters, Doctor Doom, Super Skrull and Chun Li. As you may have gathered from my previous post, I am a Doom fanboy, and the Marvel team (Doom, Skrull and Deadpool) is really pretty close to what I'd choose out of girlish fan screams at the moment, though I probably wouldn't go for it for gameplay reasons. Skrull is looking pretty silly damage wise at the moment, but he also looks fairly unsafe, so I'm not sure what to think, though I know for sure I love the Invisible Woman's shield and the 'He loves you' religious banter before his super. Doom didn't really do much except wiff Sphere Flame alot, and zone with the pink (now yellow light laser electricity things) beams, so he's looking fairly vague at the moment. As I said before, his Molecular Shield is looking pretty nostalgic, with nice chip, so let's hope it stays that way for the Doom/Strider players everywhere.

Chun Li maintains her three jumps from Tatsunoko vs Capcom, letting her combo higher and further than ever before in the Marvel series, though her health is either lacking severely or Skrull just lolowned her. Her super follow up combos seem to make Kikosho irrelevant for anything except chip, but we'll see as time goes on. The other three characters who were announced/'announced' are Trish (of DMC fame), Amaterasu (from Okami) and Thor, from Thor. Trish has the most shown of her, being in the trailer, and is looking fairly magicy, having a flight mode, being the first confirmed Capcom character to fly outside of Devil Trigger in the Marvel vs Capcom series. Bravo, even though Morrigan should've got it first, damnit. Amaterasu, being a wolf, is distinctly shorter than a human, and thus is bringing back memories of Servbot with her hitbox, though it is extended horizontally and could thus be lol in aerial approaches. Thor, being Thor, will probably have giant lightning bolts everywhere in his moveset, but as only one of his moves has been shown (and, lo and behold, its a giant lightning bolt), I can't really judge anything of him yet, as with Amaterasu.

That's it for the moment, but tomorrow, I'll be back with more stuff to comment on (hopefully more gameplay of Marvel vs Capcom 3, as well.)

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