First of all, rules. I doubt Evasion Clause should really be on in 6v6, since its easy enough to just focus on a Double Teamer and take it down. Also, due to the fact there's no switching, entry hazards mean nothing, and the word 'lead' means nothing as well. Lastly, Perish Song Clause would also have to be invented, to prevent all 6v6 games going a mere 3 turns into draw. Thus, I present, what we believe will be the lords and masters of 6v6.
First of all, Earthquake becomes insane because of its ability to hit all Pokemon at once, which, in turn, forces levitaters and fliers to move up, causing Rotom, Gengar, Latias and Gyarados to move up in usage. It does become useless if your team doesn't have anything immune to it, though. Explosion, as well, hits all enemy pokemon, causing it to be default on all Pokemon that could get it, really, causing Gengar, Rotom and Dusknoir to be more powerful. While phazing is impossible, Haze now stops all stat changers, and its also easy enough to focus one stat changer. In turn, however, its easy to focus a Hazer, so statupping remains possible, but risky and dangerous, and more likely something to leave later on so your hapless statupper doesn't get targetted. Lastly, the two Screens and Safeguard affect all your pokemon, so if you can set them up quickly, it'll let the game last longer and stop nasty burns.
Certain abilities become even better, as well. Intimidate, in particular, hits all enemies, causing a Gyara-Salamence combo to really hinder enemy physical sweeping. Bad Dreams hits all sleeping pokemon, as well, which gives Darkrai alot of power in potential Uber 6v6s. Trace randomly takes an enemy ability out of all 6, making it risky, but potentially powerful, and as alot of powerful abilities are possible, Porygon2 used to get an extra Intimidate is possible. Lightningrod and Storm Drain actually become useful, potentially to cover for fragile water/fire pokemon and give pokemon like Rhyperior a few more uses. Pressure is also on enough high stat pokemon to have 6 Pressures and just PP drain the enemy so much they Struggle.
In Uber 6v6, Kyogre remains in his position of god tier, due to Water Spout hitting all enemy pokemon for huge damage if it can survive the first turn. Wailord can do the same thing, and with its higher health, it'll stay at a high enough base power. In addition, if you see a Wailord, you're probably not going to focus it over something else like, say, a Salamence, really? Eruption on Typhlosion and Entei also lets them see more use, as does the lack of Stealth Rocks to take off 1/4 of their health every time they switch in. Alas, Charizard and Moltres, despite not being afraid of SR anymore, only have Heat Wave as their potential 'hit everything' move.
Potential strategies include having a team of Scarfers, for one. Being able to outrun the enemy team and see their types at first makes for good Scarf decisions, so you aren't left with hitting on a 4x Resistance. In addition, Scarfed Rotoms and Gengars are immune to EQ and Explosion, and thus having those on a Scarf team make it more possible for it to deal large amounts of damage in a short few turns.
Good 6v6 Scarfers:
Counters to 6v6 Scarfers:
Garchomp stands out, as shown by the power of Chain Chomp, as he can be a great mixed attacker, hitting hard with his mighty STAB EQ, even more powerful in this metagame. Slaking can do the same, as Truant doesn't really affect it much when you're in such a quick game. If he can OHKO a Pokemon first turn, he's done his job fine. In addition, Skill Swap can put Levitate or something else on him, taking the Truant to someone that doesn't really care and letting him hit for his full effect. Gengar and Rotom can Trick nicely if the opponent has a setup, and still hit with brilliant coverage on three moves. Rotom gets Heat Wave as well, if necessary. Latias and Porygon-Z gets the coverage they have, but alas not the Trick. Porygon-Z especially hits hard with Tri-Attack. Flygon gets the same EQ as Garchomp, but lacks the ability to go mixed. However, he makes up for it with faster speed, allowing it to hit the faster fire/electric types before they can go, as well as Levitate, dodging your own EQs and the enemies to boot. Lastly, Aerodactyl, Salamence and Weavile all get nice speed and nice attack to boot, though Salamence gets mixed and both it and Aerodactyl dodge the mighty EQ. Weavile, though, gets STAB Ice, which is useful, but Salamence does get the powerful Intimidate.
For counters, obviously priority works. Sucker Punch, Bullet Punch and Shadow Sneak were the first ones that came to mind, mostly due to their powerful users, as shown above. Scizor obviously hits harder than Metagross with Bullet Punch, but 4x Weaknesses probably aren't useful in this format. Honchkrow's massive Sucker Punch damage also hits very hard, at its great +2 Priority, letting it hurt the other priority users on the list. Dusknoir's nice defences and Will-o-Wisp do great, as well, and Spiritomb's lack of weaknesses let it prevent itself getting OHKOd and hit back with its own Sucker Punch.
The problem with a few standard OU Scarfers like, say, Heatran, will be worried by the likes of Flygon using massive Earthquakes. Really, the ability to OHKO Heatran without even having to target him should scare him away. Same thing with Electivire. However, I believe Jolteon should be fast enough to focus a hit in on any EQ users before they can kill him, although Flygon is still a worry.
Tune in next 6v6 Tuesday for the next potential strategy, and more on the interesting hypothetical metagame. (Its also great for thought experiments!)
It's a sparrow with a hat!!! That's freakin' awesome!!!