

Friday, November 27, 2009

Let's get a few things straight

For those of you who are unaware (you poor, poor people), this is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon (or Blue-Eyes for short):

Its the signature card of a rich, arrogant, absurdly badass Seto Kaiba, and has the highest attack of any normal monster card. It, the Red Eyes and the Dark Magician are all signature cards of players on the original anime, but aren't really that good (especially the Red Eyes). Therefore, when the anime watchers slowly caught on to how to play the game and realised this, the cards got dropped and the several different alternate arts got wasted. Complaints would be made about the contents of themed starter decks (despite the fact they're designed for new players), and thus, the only logical conclusion was to make them better.

However, you can't make a card 'better' in Yugioh, strictly. You can't buff its attacks, you can't make its dodge better or improve its projectiles. Once the card is printed, its printed. On the flipside, cards can't be nerfed either, and thus some cards have to banned (all hail Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End). But, on the other hand, you have 37 more cards in your deck, and thus they can be made better to support the card in question. Eventually, you end up with this:

And this:

And this:

(Incidentally, the life cycle of a Blue Eyes goes White Stone of Legend (its an egg), Paladin of White Dragon, Blue Eyes)

This still leads to a question, 'But Pete, surely running all this support for one card would be harder than just running better cards'. On the other hand, these cards, given you're running Blue Eyes, -are quite powerful-. White Stone of Legend is an absurd card advantage engine, using Future Fusion to get out a Five-Headed Dragon and give you three Blue Eyes in hand. The Paladin's effect, while not as good in this metagame, is still potent against the right decks. Burst Stream is Raigeki, one of the first cards to be banned. However, you can't rely on getting Blue Eyes out all the time, which leads to my first deck getting back into Yugioh: a Dragon deck supported by the mighty Blue Eyes.

Obviously, with all the support cards, the deck is based around Blue Eyes, but its not entirely built on it. For instance, Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, while capable of powering out massive dragons on its own, can also power out a Blue Eyes to hit with a Burst Stream and let the Red Eyes kill. Dragon Totems can power out a Blue Eyes, or they can power out a Tyrant Dragon and laugh at the enemy's trap cards. White Stone of Legend, while capable of tutoring Blue Eyes, can also tune for a Trident Dragon (I suppose, though there's probably better for it). Stamping Destruction works just fine with any dragon, with a Blue-Eyes 'surfeiting'.

So, while I haven't actually started the deck yet (I'm still researching the current metagame, since I left when Cyber Dragon was unrestricted and everyone had 3 in every deck), I have a good idea where the deck is going to go, based around the dragon of legend.

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