Kyogre: 44.97%
Interesting here for Kyogre, since last month it sat of 55%. Dropping 10% doesn't just happen all the time, although admittadly the Ubers ladder isn't the most populated thing, so small changes cause giant ripples. The majority of Kyogres this month were Bulky, going for Leftovers instead of either usable Choice item. Surf was its most used move, which is interesting, probably caused by the drop in usage of Rest on Kyogre. Ice Beam and Thunder are the two most common after Surf, emulating the famous BoltBeam combo, letting Kyogre hit at least everything for neutral. TWave also increased dramatically, rising from 6% to almost a 5th of all Kyogres. Calm Mind also took a hit, making you wonder why everyone's running Leftovers if they plan on just throwing stuff at people.
Groudon: 36.92%
Although Groudon has held its ground at 2nd, its actually dropped 4% in usage overall. Groudon, as you should know by having just played RSE, is the perpendicular opposite to Kyogre. Sets up Sunny Day by switching in, has low (compared to its physical) special stats, and mighty Attack and Defence. Earthquake was his most common move this month, as it should be every month, because even support Groudon's use it for mighty STAB damage with no Attack investment. It seems this month, Support Groudon was mostly in use, though, with both Swords Dance and Rock Polish dropping underneath Roar and TWave. Swords Dance was the most used of the two stat-ups, even though the metagame is slowly becoming faster and faster. Toxic dropped in usage, showing even more how TWave is necessary to slow the metagame down, and Stealth Rock remained on over half of all Groudons, again showing the more support-based usage of it. In addition, Groudon was second most used lead, also showing reasons for SR.
Mewtwo: 36.37%
Mewtwo shot up in usage in November, almost enough to take second off of Groudon, and easily enough to take third off of Palkia. This is the first time in a long while Mewtwo has been above all of the DPP Dragons, which is interesting since not too long ago, Palkia was above even Groudon. Interestingly enough, negligible amounts of Mewtwos ran Light Clay, meaning that Double Screening, formerly a common use of Mewtwo, had taken a hit to actual sweeping. Leftovers, Life Orb and Expert Belt all had similar usages around the 1/5th mark, with Choice Scarf rounding it out at 11% usage. As Ubers is quite focussed around psychic types, since there's alot of them in Ubers, Psychic remained the lowest of Mewtwo's non-'other' moves, below the Dual Screens. Ice Beam and Aura Sphere were the most used, Ice Beam to take out dragons and Aura Sphere to take out Mewtwo's nemesis, Darkrai. Taunt rose over Calm Mind in usage, assumingly to stop status and Trickery, as phasing isn't too common and Mewtwo was quite low in the Leads usage, so it wasn't to stop usual lead trickery. Flamethrower was interestingly high at 25%, especially as it doesn't really hit much for super effective, and gets walled by Kyogre, and a few dragons. It was most likely to counter and assumed rise in Forretresses that never came.
Palkia: 31.53%
In comes the first of the DPP dragons, and generally the most powerful of them. It dropped 6% in usage this month, however. More than half were Scarfed, and the rest were either Lustrous Orb or 'other'. As such, most of the moves used were just attacking, with a small portion using Substitute. Spacial Rend and Thunder were most used, both taking advantage of Kyogre for increased damage and accuracy, although Spacial Rend took a hit in usage this month. Hydro Pump disappeared from usage, as most times in Ubers you can't afford to miss and Spacial Rend and Surf cover that type, anyway. Draco Meteor rose up in usage, though still less used than Outrage, as Outrage's downside of being locked in is negligible due to Palkia denting any Steels that could take it, anyway. Fire Blast also dropped a bit in usage, probably to go along with the lessened usage of Groudon.
Dialga: 29.37%
And here's the second of the Dragon trio, rising up into 5th to take Darkrai's spot. Leftovers, Choice Scarf, Life Orb and Expert Belt were all used in fairly equal amounts, with Dialga's drop in Lead usage also causing its Lum Berry usage to disappear altogether. Draco Meteor remains its most common move, and Thunder second, though Outrage has moved up to replace Dragon Pulse, now on 45% of Dialgas. That's probably caused by an overall decrease in Pokemon with higher physical than special defence, and the fact Draco Meteor kills enough quickly that Dragon Pulse is mostly redundant. There's not much to say for Dialga, as, same with Palkia, its mostly now used as a sweeper, with it dropping as a lead.
Rayquaza: 28.14%
The ultimate sweeper rises up in placing, though down in usage. Rayquaza's also moved up to fill in the void left by Darkrai, with its overall purpose remaining the same. The ones that aren't running Swords Dance are running DD, though Swords Dance is more used at 50%. Extremespeed is the most used move, as it should be, at 84%, giving Rayquaza a very nice priority move not resisted by much in the top 10. Outrage is more used than its weaker component, Dragon Claw, and neither has really changed much in the last month. Overheat has dropped slight amounts of usage to Fire Blast, though its still more used than Fire Blast and Flamethrower put together. Items-wise, its still running Life Orb on almost all sets with a small percent using Lum Berry. Overall, Rayquaza is exactly the same as it always is.
Giratina-Origin Forme: 27.08%
Giratina-O, although more of a sweeper than a wall when compared to Giratina, is still a fairly bulky sweeper. Its shot up in usage by 10% this month, breaking into top 10 most used from its former position of 12th. There's nothing to discuss item-wise, as it has to hold the Platinum Orb, losing unpredictability there. The most used move was Hidden Power- Fire, for reasons I can't really fathom, followed by Dragon Pulse and Shadow Sneak, the second allowing it to beat Mewtwo fairly easily with nice priority and super effective damage on Mewtwo's weaker defence. Calm Mind came in at 31.7%, having dropped from 62%, indicating people intend on using Giratina-O for quick damage, rather than setting up, most of the time. Draco Meteor being so far down at 23% is a surprise, especially with Platinum Orb adding a second STAB boost to it, destroying anything in its wake, especially with more physical Giratina-O than special, as in those cases it doesn't harm your sweeping potential. Nonetheless, it has risen in usage from 13% in October.
Scizor: 26.91%
The current reigning king of OU is slowly expanding his domain to Ubers, increasing a marginal amount in usage since last month, though remaining in 8th place due to Giratina-O's surge upwards. Almost all Scizor were Adamant, Technician and Bullet Punch, with Life Orb and Choice Band being the items of choice. U-Turn came in at 87%, due to hitting alot of the format for at least neutral, and coming off of Scizor's mighty attack with STAB means it hurts alot. Plus, it should be able to kill Mewtwo. Pursuit and Superpower both came in at high 60s, which makes it fairly easy to judge what Scizor you're coming up against. Roost and Swords Dance were at 32% and 27% respectively, letting LO Scizor have some area of unpredicability, though overall, Scizor in Ubers is a fairly easy to predict beast, as the usage numbers should show. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he moved further into the top 10 next month.
Woooobuffeeet: 24.62%
Sounansu! Wobbuffet has moved up very slight amounts of usage, only moving up a spot because of Forretress dropping. All Wobbuffet ran Leftovers, apart from a small few who forgot to put an item on. All Wobbuffet ran Mirror Coat, Encore and Counter except a small few on the last two. The only really interesting thing is Safeguard is still miles above Tickle, despite Tickle and CB Scizor/TTar making for a huge impact. But really, all Wobbuffet sets should be running Splash, yet it doesn't even appear on the usages.
Darkrai: 24.51%
Rounding out the top 10 most used we have Darkrai, who's dropped quite a bit since October. He formerly sat in 5th, but dropped 5% usage causing him to hit 10th due to the closeness of the places after the top 2. He's still the 4th most used Lead, however. The three most used items are Leftovers, Life Orb and Choice Scarf, with the later assumably being paired with Trick, which sits at 14.5% usage (probably should be higher, due to Darkrai's ability to cripple teams with Dark Void, but I digress). Dark Void and Dark Pulse are the two most used moves, unsurprisingly, as Darkrai's signature move lets it laugh at non-Scarfed sweepers due to its high speed and ability, Bad Dreams. Nasty Plot has dropped in usage on Darkrai's as well, possibly due to its fraility and not wanting to rely on Dark Void to get in a hit. Focus Blast also dropped as well, but interestingly, Substitute rose which would mostly be used on Nasty Plot teams, though I can see the benefits of using it without nonetheless. Otherwise, his relatively small used movepool remained the same.
Deoxys-S: 22.47%
The number 1 lead in Ubers has risen in usage, though remained in 11th. Almost all of its usage is as a Lead, but a small portion would be as a sweeper, due to its ability to outrun everything, ever. Most used item is Focus Sash by far, but Lum Berry is there at 12% due to Darkrai leads breaking the Sash with Bad Dreams and sleeping it. Most used moves are Spikes and SR, due to always getting at least one up before getting attacked, and Taunt coming in at third, to stop opposing leads doing anything (except Trick or Treat Darkrai and other Scarf leads). Extremespeed is the number 1 attack, letting Deoxys-S ignore rival priority moves by making it decided by speed again, although most of the users of priority moves resist or are immune to it (Giratina and Scizor). Double Screens are nowhere to be seen, which is interesting, as Deoxys-S was formerly famous for its ability to get Screens up before it could be attacked.
Forretress: 22.04%
The second member of OU to break into the usage charts (though Deoxys-S was formerly OU), and is ironically used more often in Ubers than in OU. Useful due to having nice resistances and defences, combined with its unique ability of the Ubers Spikers to Spin makes it a nice team member, especially as most Ubers sweepers are either bulky and don't like losing 12.5% health, or fragile as all hell and could be OHKOd by anything with SR damage. Spikes and Payback were next most used due to there not being many Levitaters or Flyers, so SR doesn't hit much for 1/4 health and Spikes hits the Steels that try to counter the Dragons, and Payback hitting all the Psychics for super effective with a nice base power. Toxic Spikes was next most used, as it brings setup sweepers to an early end if they're not named Rayquaza. Stealth Rock was there in usage, but low down, at 25%.
Ho-oh: 18.57%
Ho-oh is enjoying a lack of Stealth Rock, as it takes 50% everytime it switches in, ruining its ability to wall anything. The two most used items are Leftovers and Life Orb, with nothing else appearing on the radar. Sacred Fire and Brave Bird are the two most used moves for nice STAB not resisted by much in Ubers, followed by Roost to remove its 4x Rock weakness, which is dangerous to have with Groudon around. Earthquake, Whirlwind and Substitute all come up next in fairly equal amounts, showing Ho-Oh is fairly versatile, with nice stats. If SR didn't exist at all, Ho-oh would definitely be in the top 10, maybe even top 5.
Latios: 15.56%
The brother of Latias shows its sweeping power with Soul Dew in Ubers, and why its banned from OU while Latias is legal. Every single Latios used Soul Dew, since it provides a bigger boost than Scarf and LO, doesn't lock in and has no recoil. Dragon Pulse was most used at 82%, but from there, there was quite a bit of diversity. Thunder, Grass Knot, Draco Meteor are the next three, with the first two both serving to counter Kyogre, Grass Knot hitting Kyogre for more, and Thunder hitting everyone else for more. Calm Mind and Recover both followed, since they're obviously run on the same type of set, then followed by Dragon Dance, an interesting choice for Latios, especially due to its inferiority to Rayquaza at doing that type of set. However, it probably seeks to take advantage of obvious switch ins to a special Latios, like Blissey. Whether or not that lets it beat out Rayquaza, I'm not sure, but its interesting.
Blissey: 15.19%
Speak of the devil, and here's Blissey, rounding out the top 15, and is the third OU to appear. Blissey is powerful in Ubers, due to the use of special users as opposed to the few physical attackers, and therefore walls a good portion of the metagame. However, Kyogre still 2HKOs with Specs Water Spout, and Groudon can easily set up on her if using TWave, so her usage has taken a hit. Seismic Toss, Toxic and Wish are the most used moves, since Seismic Toss hits a good portion of the meta for controlled damage, Toxic isn't stopped by Groudon as opposed to the aforemention Thunder Wave, and damages everyone not named Dialga, and Wish lets damaged Pokemon come back in, as well as restore the base power to Water Spout. Next come Ice Beam, to hit Rayquaza for alot and other dragons for nice damage, Aromatherapy, to get rid of pesky paralysis and poison, and Thunder Wave, to slow everyone not named Groudon down and possibly not attack. Even though Blissey isn't as good a special wall as in OU, it still makes a formidable one with the right moves.
Latias: 15.00%
The sister of the Lati@s shows up now, mostly used for special walling with a base Sp. Def of 195 with Soul Dew. Surprisingly, this month, no Latias were used to Dual Screen, showing a definite reduction in the overall usage of Screens in Ubers. Formerly, Latias' main use was to set them up, but now its nowhere to be seen. 94% of Latias had Dragon Pulse, and 72% had Calm Mind, which works well on Latias due to its gargantuan special defence, so once their physical attackers are gone, Latias can pretty much set up freely. Recover follows those two fairly closely, but all the attacking moves are in low usages, showing diversity in the movepool.
Garchomp: 14.60%
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a landshark. In Ubers, Garchomp is mostly redundant to Rayquaza, sharing the 4x Ice weakness, and keeping the weakness to the plethora of Draco Meteors. However, he does have an immunity to Electric, which is useful to absorb Thunder Waves and take Thunders. Most Chomps were Scarfed, those that weren't were mostly holding a Haban Berry, due to the decrease in Ice Beam users. His used movepool is almost as small as Wobuffet's, as really he only serves as either a Scarfed revenge killer or a SD sweeper, and both use the same moves. EQ was most used, followed by Outrage, Dragon Claw, Stone Edge and Swords Dance.
Deoxys-A: 13.4%
At last we hit Deoxys-A, a Pokemon feared for its capabilities to sweep entire souls away ever so easily. The two items held by it were Focus Sash (due to its pitiful defences and tendencies to get OHKOd by Pursuit, even when staying in) and Life Orb, with Sash the large majority at 67%. Deoxys-A's movepool was fairly varied this time around, with only Extremespeed and Superpower on more than half the sets. Stealth Rock came in next (as Deoxys-A is fast enough to be used as a lead, he came in at 3rd this month, though it is awfully risky to use him like that), then Shadow Ball to take out rival psychics. His signature move, Psycho Boost, actually saw some usage this month at 9.5%, as it can dent Kyogre, Groudon and such as easily as a Draco Meteor does. Deoxys-A is much like Pikachu, in that neither has time to set up, and just has to attack like a flailing madman as soon as possible, hence the lack of Calm Mind.
That's it for Ubers, now onto OU.
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